Checklist for starting a website

Starting a website either to support your existing business, or to be the business in its own right, involves a number of factors and considerations that you need to understand.

Here is a check list of things to consider:

  • Domain name – when starting a website you should research and investigate possible domain names for your website. Your domain name is important in terms of intuitiveness for your potential customers to remember, and also to reflect your business name or services/products. It is also a key factor for top rankings on Google.
  • Target market – where and who are they? Your website should speak to them, in terms they understand.
  • Design – your design should refelct your business branding and philosophies.
  • Content – what information and functionality do you need to include in your website?
  • Hosting – locate a company who can provide professional website hosting services for you. WHERE your website is hosted geographically is also very important for Google.
  • Cost – ensure your website development cost is within your budget and that you will get a Return On Investment (ROI).
  • Marketing – before strating a website, determine how you are going to market your website, both online and offline.
  • Google – you need to get found on Google, so your website needs to be built so that it is Google-friendly.